October 29, 2004

Yes, Sir, He's My Baby...

Happy Birthday to my son, my love, my baby Derrick!

The D-Man is turning 4 years old today. I can't believe it. It seems like only a short time ago that he was born.

Derrick was born on Beggars Night and came home with us on Halloween - our little pumpkin. He was a very happy baby and never really looked like a newborn. The nurses said that if he would have been a turkey, his little thingy would have been popped out (not THAT thingy).

4 years ago right now, I was laying in a hospital bed, moaning and groaning. He was born at 2:25, so we were getting pretty close.

Tonight, we'll be celebrating by going out to eat with all of the family - his cousin's birthday is today, too, so we always get together. And, of course, he'll get to open some presents. Tomorrow, we're having a birthday party at Chuck E. Cheese's. Wish me luck, folks, as I'll be in charge of 10 little maniacs from age 3 to 6. Then, immediately following the party, beggars night begins so several of us will be going trick-or-treating together. I'll be lucky if the little bugger is in bed by midnight with all of that excitement and sugar. Sunday, we rest.

I think I got a little carried away on the birthday shopping this year. I guess that's what I get for starting early. I would buy things and shove them in the trunk of my car (best hiding place). When I got them out to wrap them last weekend, holy cow what a haul! I might have to save a few for Christmas...

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