February 11, 2005

Things I Love

(thanks to Cooter for the idea)

Five inanimate things I love...
1. my computer
2. my garden
3. celtic knotwork
4. my car ‘cause it takes me away
5. white chocolate

Five living things I love...
1. My wonderful son, Derrick
2. Christopher
3. My Family
4. My Pets, Leonardo and Pugsley
5. My blogger friends

Five sounds I love....
1. Thunder & the accompanying storm
2. my son’s laughter
3. crickets, frogs... all those wonderful nighttime sounds when out in the country
4. the music of Sarah MacLachlan
5. the funny boink sounds my phone makes when I press buttons in speaker mode

Five smells I love...
1. fresh cut grass
2. the scent of a thunderstorm
3. my son fresh out of his bath
4. Garlic
5. Fahrenheit by Christian Dior

Five words I love...
1. poink
2. conundrum
3. persnickety
4. fartknocker
5. femur

Five places I love...
1. Paris, France
2. The French Alps
3. My bed
4. deep, deep in the forest
5. the world of my dreams

A little bonus – Derrick and I went on a tour of the downtown fire department last Saturday. He was very excited that he got to “drive” the big truck. LOL

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